Mini Lift / Mini Facelift One Stitch Lift / Ponytail Lift


What is a mini-lift?

A minilift is more in the area of marketing. The aim is to potential candidatesthat it is a more harmless procedure.

The aim of the facelift is to restore the sagging tissue to its original position. To do this, the SMAS is prepared and worn retaining ligaments are cut and sutured again.

We clearly prefer the DEEP PLANE LIFT. The MINI LIFT actually only means that the scar is shorter. The incision is made at the temple, in front of the ear and only just behind the ear.

Whether this incision is suitable can only be decided in an examination and consultation. A little help: If there is little to no excess skin on the neck, a shortened incision is possible.

What is a One Stitch Lift

This term does not exist in the scientific world of facelift surgeons worldwide. It is an absolute marketing term that only in the social media is propagated. The incision is minimised at the ear or earlobe. From here, the chin line is tightened and pulled with one or two stitches. This makes a small improvement, but is nothing more than a very short-term appetiser and leads to a facelift. A double investment that we can only advise against.

What is a ponytail lift?

This is an interesting method for younger people with weakness in the midface. It is a variant of the midface lift with temporal access. When performed correctly, the SMAS is actually released, often with endoscopic help, and the retaining ligaments of the midface (zygomaticus retaining ligament) are severed. The access is at the temple. 

It is suitable if there is not too much excess skin. Often combined with autologous fat to shape the midface. A new extension is then the access behind the ear or at the back hairline to prepare the neck. This is not part of the fringes lift.

However, if there is a large excess of skin, the normal approach is inevitably indicated.

Mini lift vs facelift - what are the differences?

The main difference between a mini-lift and a conventional facelift is the incision length. However, you should not be misled by the name. A good and durable result depends on the preparation of the soft tissue - but there is no MINI!

The Ponytail lift offers less access and with poor visibility increases the risk of haemorrhaging and nerve injuries. This must be discussed very openly and individually during the consultation.