Noahklinik - Clinic for plastic surgery in Kassel

Plastic Surgery Noah Clinic in Kassel

Our § 30 licensed clinic for plastic, aesthetic and reconstructive surgery is equipped for outpatient and inpatient treatments. Billing with private health insurance companies is possible through our accreditation.

All operations and inpatient treatments at the Noah Clinic are carried out at specialist level.

Medical Director Noah Clinic: PROF. DR. MED. ERNST MAGNUS NOAH

Specialist for Plastic and Aesthetic Surgery

Beauty surgery or cosmetic surgery is an unprotected term in Germany that anyone can use to advertise. How are patients supposed to know whether their doctor is qualified to perform aesthetic and plastic surgery? Only the specialist training of a plastic surgeon has the aesthetics and function of the entire body as an integral part.

State-of-the-art surgical techniques and procedures are constantly reviewed and further developed by the German Society of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic Surgery (DGPRÄC, formerly the Association of German Plastic Surgeons VDPC).

At the Noahklinik in Kassel, these surgical techniques are used - both in cosmetic surgery and in the field of plastic and reconstructive surgery.

Prof. Ernst Magnus Noah, MD
Prof. Dr Ernst Magnus Noah

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radiofrequency therapy

Morpheus - Skin tightening with radio frequency

The 2 in 1 - method for effective skin beautification and lifting

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Plastic & Aesthetic Surgery in Kassel


🥼 | Clinic for Plastic & Aesthetic Surgery in Kassel 🏅 | Focus List Top Private Clinic 2024 👇🏽 | Consultation appointment, homepage, study centre & co.
  • What does an endolift feel like? ✨Prof. Dr Noah explains: Painful? No! During an endolift, the tissue swells slightly and feels temporarily numb - but don't worry, that's part of the process! ✨Curious now? Arrange a consultation now! #NoahKlinik #Endolift #Beauty treatment #Aesthetic medicine #Skin tightening #KasselBeauty #noahklinikkassel
  • No-touch technology - for maximum safety! 💉✨We start the week with valuable expert knowledge! Our breast surgery expert, Walid Wahabie @doc_wahabie , explains how we use the no-touch technique at Noah Clinic: Breast implants are inserted into the breast in a sterile & non-contact manner, for the best possible results and the highest standards of hygiene. 💬 Get a consultation & arrange an appointment now! #NoahKlinik #NoTouchTechnique #Aesthetics #Breast surgery #NoahKlinikKassel #kassel #Plastic surgery
  • Patient care is our top priority! At Noah Clinic, we accompany our patients not only during the operation, but also for a whole year afterwards - with full support, regardless of the healing process. Because complications can occur in medicine, but what really counts is the care & aftercare. 💆‍♀️✨Prof. Noah explains why this long-term care is standard with us. And the best thing? Our patient feels completely at ease & surprised us with a lovely gift. 💝 Thank you for your trust! #NoahKlinik #PatientFirst #BeautyWithCare #ProfNoah #kassel #noahklinikkassel #plastischechirurgie
  • 🌡️ The ideal operating theatre temperature Dr Fauth from Noah Klinik Kassel explains: What is the ideal temperature in the operating theatre - and why? Warmth is important for the patient to avoid hypothermia, while 21°C offers the surgical team optimal conditions.Do you have any questions about anaesthesia or the surgical procedure? Write to us in the comments.#NoahKlinikKassel #DrFauth #OPTemperature #Anaesthesia #Csurgery #PlasticSurgery #Beauty
  • When is breast augmentation with autologous fat possible? ✨Walid Wahabie (@doc_wahabie ), specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery at Noah Clinic Kassel, explains when and why autologous fat can be a great option for breast augmentation - especially after pregnancy! Prerequisite: There must be enough autologous fat available. This is an important factor in achieving the desired result, so if you would like to find out more, book your personal consultation with us at Noah Klinik Kassel now!TP5TBreast augmentation #Own fat #NoahKlinikKassel #DrWalidWahabie #Pregnancy #Breast lift #Natural beauty #PPlastic surgery #Beauty #AfterBabyBody #BreastOP
  • Breast augmentation with autologous fat - without implants! 💉Did you know that you don't need implants for a natural breast augmentation? Prof Dr Noah explains how you can achieve natural and harmonious results with your own fat! 😍Sounds too good to be true? It's not! Watch the video and find out how it works! 🔥Do you have any questions? Write them in the comments! 👇#NoahClinic #Cassel #OwnFat #BreastAugmentation #NaturallyBeautiful #ProfDrNoah #BeautyInnovation #NoImplants
  • Autologous fat - Natural beauty from your own body! Prof Dr Noah explains why autologous fat is the holy grail of plastic surgery and how autologous fat is used in aesthetic medicine. 🌿💛How does the method work? What was done on our patient? Autologous fat is 100 % natural, long-lasting and ensures harmonious results - without any artificial substances! 😍Take a look at the results and write us your questions in the comments! 👇#NoahKlinik #Kassel #ownfat #AestheticMedicine #ProfDrNoah #NaturallyBeautiful #BeautyInnovation #noahklinikKassel
  • ✨ Facts or myths? Prof Dr Noah clarifies! 🔍What should you really consider after a hyaluronic injection? 🤔 And what role do long-chain hyaluronic acids play in this? In our new reel, Prof Dr Noah explains what is really true and which myths you can safely forget! Let us know what you've heard about hyaluronic acid in the comments - we'll dispel the biggest beauty myths! 👇✨#NoahClinic #Kassel #Hyaluron #BeautyMyths #AestheticMedicine #ProfDrNoah #noahklinikkassel
  • We have been honoured again! ✨🏆We are delighted to have been recognised by the independent commissions of FOCUS and Stern magazines. Since 2013, we have held the prestigious FOCUS seal of approval in the categories of facelift, eyelid and breast surgery - and now also the Stern seal of approval for the same categories + additionally for abdominoplasty. 👨‍⚕️👩‍⚕️Besonders exciting: The Stern seal is now awarded by the experts who were previously responsible for the FOCUS seal - further confirmation of quality and expertise! 🏅A big thank you to our team and our patients for their trust. We are proud to be travelling this path together! 👏
What does an Endolift feel like? ✨ Prof Dr Noah explains: Painful? No! During an endolift, the tissue swells slightly and feels temporarily numb - but don't worry, this is part of the process! ✨ Curious now? Arrange a consultation now! #NoahKlinik #Endolift #beauty treatment #aesthetic medicine #Hskin tightening #KasselBeauty #noahklinikkassel
2 days ago
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No-touch technology - for maximum safety! 💉✨ We start the week with valuable expert knowledge! Our breast surgery expert, Walid Wahabie @doc_wahabie , explains how we use the no-touch technique at Noah Clinic: Breast implants are inserted into the breast in a sterile & non-contact manner for the best possible results and the highest standards of hygiene. 💬 Get a consultation & arrange an appointment now! #NoahClinic #NoTouchTechnique #Aesthetics #BreastSurgery #NoahClinicKassel #kassel #PlasticSurgery
5 days ago
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Patient care is our top priority! At Noah Clinic, we accompany our patients not only during the operation, but also for a whole year afterwards - with full support, regardless of the healing process. Because complications can occur in medicine, but what really counts is the care & aftercare. 💆‍♀️✨ Prof Noah explains why this long-term care is standard with us. And the best thing? Our patient feels completely at ease & surprised us with a lovely gift. 💝 Thank you for your trust! #NoahClinic #PatientFirst #BeautyWithCare #PprofNoah #kassel #noahklinikkassel #plasticSurgery
1 Woche ago
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🌡️ The ideal operating theatre temperature! Dr Fauth from Noah Klinik Kassel explains: What is the ideal temperature in the operating theatre - and why? Warmth is important for the patient to avoid cooling down, while 21°C offers the operating theatre team optimum conditions. Do you have any questions about anaesthesia or the operating theatre procedure? Let us know in the comments. #NoahKlinikKassel #DrFauth #OPTemperature #Anaesthesia #Csurgery #PlasticSurgery #Beauty
1 Woche ago
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When is breast augmentation with autologous fat possible? ✨ Walid Wahabie (@doc_wahabie ), specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery at Noah Klinik Kassel explains when and why autologous fat can be a great option for breast augmentation - especially after pregnancy! Prerequisite: Sufficient autologous fat must be available. This is an important factor in achieving the desired result. If you would like to find out more, book your personal consultation with us at Noah Clinic Kassel now! #Breast augmentation #Own fat #NoahKlinikKassel #DrWalidWahabie #Pregnancy #Breast lift #Natural beauty #PPlastic surgery #Beauty #AfterBabyBody #BreastOP
2 Wochen ago
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Breast augmentation with autologous fat - without implants! 💉 Did you know that you don't need implants for a natural breast augmentation? Prof Dr Noah explains how you can achieve natural and harmonious results with your own fat! 😍 Sounds too good to be true? It's not! Watch the video and find out how it works! 🔥 Do you have any questions? Write them in the comments! 👇 #NoahClinic #Kassel #Our own fat #Breast augmentation #NaturallyBeautiful #ProfDrNoah #BeautyInnovation #NoImplants
2 Wochen ago
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Autologous fat - Natural beauty from your own body! ✨ Prof Dr Noah explains why autologous fat is the holy grail of plastic surgery and how autologous fat is used in aesthetic medicine. 🌿💛 How does the method work? What was done on our patient? Autologous fat is 100 % natural, long-lasting and ensures harmonious results - without any artificial substances! 😍 Take a look at the results and write us your questions in the comments! 👇 #NoahKlinik #Kassel #OwnFat #AestheticMedicine #PProfDrNoah #NaturallyBeautiful #BeautyInnovation #noahklinikKassel
2 Wochen ago
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✨ Facts or myths? Prof Dr Noah clarifies! 🔍 What should you really consider after a hyaluronic injection? 🤔 And what role do long-chain hyaluronic acids play in this? In our new reel, Prof Dr Noah explains what is really true and which myths you can safely forget! Let us know what you've heard about hyaluronic acid in the comments - we'll dispel the biggest beauty myths! 👇✨ #NoahClinic #Kassel #Hyaluron #BeautyMyths #AestheticMedicine #ProfDrNoah #noahklinikkassel
3 Wochen ago
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We have been honoured again! ✨🏆We are delighted to have been recognised by the independent commissions of FOCUS and Stern magazines. Since 2013, we have held the prestigious FOCUS seal of approval in the categories of facelift, eyelid and breast surgery - and now also the Stern seal of approval for the same categories + additionally for abdominoplasty. 👨‍⚕️👩‍⚕️Besonders exciting: The Stern seal is now awarded by the experts who were previously responsible for the FOCUS seal - further confirmation of quality and expertise! 🏅A big thank you to our team and our patients for their trust. We are proud to be travelling this path together! 👏
We have been honoured again! ✨🏆We are delighted to have been recognised by the independent commissions of FOCUS and Stern magazines. Since 2013, we have held the prestigious FOCUS seal of approval in the categories of facelift, eyelid and breast surgery - and now also the Stern seal of approval for the same categories + additionally for abdominoplasty. 👨‍⚕️👩‍⚕️Besonders exciting: The Stern seal is now awarded by the experts who were previously responsible for the FOCUS seal - further confirmation of quality and expertise! 🏅A big thank you to our team and our patients for their trust. We are proud to be travelling this path together! 👏
We have been honoured again! ✨🏆We are delighted to have been recognised by the independent commissions of FOCUS and Stern magazines. Since 2013, we have held the prestigious FOCUS seal of approval in the categories of facelift, eyelid and breast surgery - and now also the Stern seal of approval for the same categories + additionally for abdominoplasty. 👨‍⚕️👩‍⚕️Besonders exciting: The Stern seal is now awarded by the experts who were previously responsible for the FOCUS seal - further confirmation of quality and expertise! 🏅A big thank you to our team and our patients for their trust. We are proud to be travelling this path together! 👏
We have been honoured again! ✨🏆We are delighted to have been recognised by the independent commissions of FOCUS and Stern magazines. Since 2013, we have held the prestigious FOCUS seal of approval in the categories of facelift, eyelid and breast surgery - and now also the Stern seal of approval for the same categories + additionally for abdominoplasty. 👨‍⚕️👩‍⚕️Besonders exciting: The Stern seal is now awarded by the experts who were previously responsible for the FOCUS seal - further confirmation of quality and expertise! 🏅A big thank you to our team and our patients for their trust. We are proud to be travelling this path together! 👏
We have been honoured again! ✨🏆We are delighted to have been recognised by the independent commissions of FOCUS and Stern magazines. Since 2013, we have held the prestigious FOCUS seal of approval in the categories of facelift, eyelid and breast surgery - and now also the Stern seal of approval for the same categories + additionally for abdominoplasty. 👨‍⚕️👩‍⚕️Besonders exciting: The Stern seal is now awarded by the experts who were previously responsible for the FOCUS seal - further confirmation of quality and expertise! 🏅A big thank you to our team and our patients for their trust. We are proud to be travelling this path together! 👏
We have been honoured again! ✨🏆 We are delighted to have been recognised by the independent commissions of the magazines FOCUS and Stern. Since 2013, we have held the prestigious FOCUS seal of approval in the categories of facelift, eyelid and breast surgery - and now also the Stern seal of approval for the same categories + additionally for tummy tuck surgery. 👨‍⚕️👩‍⚕️ Particularly exciting: the Stern seal is now awarded by the experts who were previously responsible for the FOCUS seal - further confirmation of quality and expertise! 🏅 A big thank you to our team and our patients for their trust. We are proud to walk this path together! 👏
4 Wochen ago
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Aesthetic surgery at the Noahklinik Kassel


Aesthetic surgery includes all shape-changing procedures that are not medically necessary but are performed exclusively at the patient's request. Often colloquially referred to as cosmetic surgery, the aim of plastic aesthetic surgery is to improve the patient's appearance.

Reconstructive surgery in Kassel at the Noahklinik

Reconstructive surgery

After an accident, a cancer operation or in the case of congenital malformations, it may be the case that the body needs to be restored (reconstructed) in its form and function of the body, here reconstructive surgery becomes necessary.

In safe hands - hand surgery at the Noah Clinic

Hand surgery

The hand is a complex organ that enables a multitude of highly developed functions. Accidents as well as diseases such as arthrosis, diabetes, rheumatism, gout or strokes can change the function of the hand.