Why consultations in aesthetic plastic surgery are necessary

Aesthetic operations are colloquially referred to as cosmetic surgery. The basis for successful treatment is the consultation. We would therefore like to show you why this is so important. 

What is a consultation for cosmetic surgery?


Many people understand a consultation to be a conversation that provides information about a situation. In the medical field, however, it is not just a conversation. This is because a comprehensive examination is also crucial, which follows the taking of a medical history with a discussion of possible pre-existing illnesses or medication, allergies, previous operations or risk factors.

Your own ideas about the desired change can then be categorised in relation to the realistically possible result of an operative correction. On the one hand, you will find out whether your desired change can be realised or is even recommended. On the other hand, you will receive all the information about your planned procedure (e.g. possible risks and complications, healing process, etc.).

Why is the opinion of a medical specialist important?

Unlike many other issues, the decision to undergo cosmetic surgery should be carefully considered. For example, if you decide to try out a hobby, you can stop at any time and try something else.

The situation is of course different with an operation - an incision can never be 100 per cent reversed. Surgery also involves risks. It is therefore very important to talk to a specialist before your operation. You will find out whether the operation is possible / necessary or whether there are lower-risk alternatives.

How do I recognise a comprehensive consultation?

where can i find?

A detailed consultation usually includes the following points:

  • Detailed medical history
  • Physical examination
  • Clarification about risks and possible complications
  • Information about Behaviour before and after the operation
  • Explanation of the resulting Costs
  • Possibility of queries
  • Finally, there should be no pressure to perform the operation
  • Information and counselling is provided by the specialist who will later perform the operation

Why do I have to pay for counselling?

cost consulting

In Germany, the Therapeutic Products Advertising Act stipulates that medical services must always be invoiced. You rarely notice this in everyday life, as the practices/clinics bill their services directly to the respective health insurance company. However, treatments in the field of plastic and aesthetic surgery are usually not services that are covered by health insurance. Therefore, the costs must be borne by the patient. The remuneration itself is regulated in the scale of fees for doctors.

Why is it important to have realistic expectations?


It is the same in plastic and aesthetic surgery as in any other field: if you set yourself unrealistic, unattainable goals, you will often be disappointed. This is all the more serious in the case of medical procedures, as even if the result is inadequate, the procedure can be corrected - but often cannot be reversed 100%. This can be very frustrating for patients and practitioners.

Conclusion and summary

We can help you with cosmetic surgery if you want to improve one or two areas of your body or face.

We can help you with cosmetic surgery if you want to improve one or two areas of your body or face. Allow yourself sufficient time to think after a consultation. Do not make a decision until you have answered all the questions sufficiently and only when you have a good feeling.