Prof. Noah was elected as the new President of the Association of German Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (VDÄPC) at the Annual General Meeting held in Munich in September. "I am very pleased about the new office and the creative opportunities it offers within the VDÄPC," said Prof. Noah. 

An important focus in the largest and most important professional association of aesthetic plastic surgeons in Germany is the further training of the members and the collegial exchange of knowledge among each other. "The well-being of the patient and the desire to offer him or her the best possible individual treatment should always come first," demands Prof. Noah.

The VDÄPC is the working and interest group of aesthetic plastic surgeons with a focus on aesthetic surgery. Aesthetic surgery is understood to be those interventions that deal with the restoration and improvement of body shape and visibly disturbed body functions. It seeks to correct the consequences of congenital anomalies as well as acquired or age-related changes in external appearance. For ordinary membership, the VDÄPC requires a specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery acquired in Germany in the currently valid version of the further training regulations.