Radiant look thanks to eyelid lift in Kassel

Generally, the cause of dark circles under the eyes is sought in exhaustion and little sleep. Medically, there are three possible causes:

  1. A dark pigmentation of the skin.
  2. A visibility of veins through very thin skin.
  3. Protrusion of the fat and thus deepening of the tear trough (bags under the eyes)

The analysis now enables targeted therapy approaches, which we will be happy to present to you at the Noahklink and also carry out. Prof. Noah will be happy to advise you in his clinic in Kassel which measures make sense for you.

All the facts about injections at a glance:

AnaesthesiaNone or ointment
Treatment durationapprox. 20 minutes
Incapacity to workNo
Sportfrom the first day after treatment
PainSlightly pressing or pulling pain possible
Durability of the result6-12 months, permanent with autologous fat

Your experienced specialist for plastic and aesthetic surgery

Prof. Dr. med Ernst Magnus Noah
Prof. Dr. med Ernst Magnus Noah
Medical management

Prof. Dr. med. Ernst Magnus Noah is a specialist in plastic and aesthetic surgery in Kassel. Prof. Noah has already been president of the VDÄPC - (Association of German Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons). Before setting up his own practice, he was the head physician of a clinic department for plastic, reconstructive and aesthetic surgery for many years.

Why go to the Noah Clinic in Kassel?

  • Prof. Noah is the Past President of the Association of German Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons (VDÄPC)
  • The clinic is certified by ACREDIS and MYBODY. It has also received several awards from FOCUS Bestenliste; 16 awards, Jameda and Estheticon. , )
  • 25 years of experience as a plastic aesthetic surgeon
  • > 100 treatments for dark circles per year

Would you like to make an appointment? Please use the Online appointment booking. We look forward to seeing you!

We look forward to meeting you and advising you on your eyelid surgery!


Testimonials from patients

Injecting dark circles under the eyes: Procedure of the treatment

Hyaluronic acid to remove dark circles under the eyes

hyaluron eye rings

Hyaluronic acid is a substance that is found in every human body. It is an important component of connective tissue. Synthetically produced hyaluronic acid is often used in plastic aesthetic surgery because it has a natural plumping effect. 

In the case of dark circles, it helps to inject typical hollows. Prof. Noah adapts the dose to the findings. After the injection, the skin layer is thicker.

How does the injecting of dark circles with autologous fat work?

Combination with lacrimal sac removal or eyelid lift

Benefit from our experience