Aesthetic surgery includes all shape-changing procedures that are not medically necessary but are performed exclusively at the patient's request.
A few small pads, a breast that doesn't look the way you want, bags under the eyes or wrinkles - for many people, looking in the mirror is a look at their own self-confidence. More and more people are opting for a procedure to remove these personal flaws.
Often colloquially referred to as cosmetic surgery, the aim of plastic aesthetic surgery is to improve the appearance of the patient.
Note on the follow-up cost regulation after aesthetic operations
We recommend that our patients take out follow-up cost insurance before having an aesthetically motivated operation. This covers you in the event that complications arise during or after the operation that require medical care. This is because, according to the current legal situation, the health insurance companies are allowed to share the costs of the follow-up treatment with you (§52 Social Code). We will be happy to advise you in detail on this topic in our practice.
Note on our own behalf
Since 01.04.2006, due to a change in the Therapeutic Products Advertising Act, we are unfortunately no longer permitted to present you with before-and-after pictures of operations as examples on our website. However, we will of course present you with approved patient examples as part of a personal presentation.
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